Problem Solved: Last Minute Babe Gift Ideas

It's December freaking 17th, and up until 2pm today, I felt confident (and oddly, for the first year ever, far from procrastination feels) in my holiday gift purchases. But then my boss graces my email with a "Last Minute Secret Santa," and all hell breaks loose in my one in a lifetime, organized heart. Bless you, Boss Lady Karen.
So if your boss is like my hypothetical one and decides to spread some late-as-heaven office cheer, or if you're like the old me (yes, last year counts as the old me) and you wait until the 24th at 4pm to go holiday shopping, then don't worry, I have you covered. (Minus the expectation of Christmas Eve package arrival and tips on avoiding wild expedited shipping charges- you are on your own for those, Boo.)
Last Minute Favorites:
The Essential Pullover- Some of my favorite gifts, to both give and receive, have been pullovers. Project Social T is my absolute favorite brand, as they are as soft as a baby's booty. But I'm also a sucker for ones with hilarious sayings; a sweet friend of mine surprised me with a "Merry Twerkmas" pullover, and I'll never forget the epic level of shared laughs upon receiving.
Cozy Socks- For real, the dryer eats them. We all know this. So, hook a sister up with some new ones! Funny ones, furry ones, comfy ones- socks are straight charming. And more people need an excuse to chunk those O Holy Night ones. Amirite? And why not add your cozy socks to a basket of winter chill? Pair them with chamomile tea, peppermint bark, and a list of binge-worthy Netflix suggestions.
Glowing Magic- I've never heard of someone who hates candles. And if I ever do, I will step away slowly. But for real, a candle is the way to go. It will always be used and appreciated... as long as it smells like a dessert, an escape, or a mindful moment. You can even further personalize it by writing a sweet note like, "Burn when you need a beach day." And if it's not their favorite scent, then they can always burn it in their bathroom... or donate to their workplace.
Gift Card- Yes, a gift card. Some of you may think it's "not personal" or shows a lack of thought. Or that it looks like a last minute gift. Yeah, and?! Think about how excited you feel when you open that $50 gift card to your favorite boutique (wink wink) or local coffee shop. I know I get hypeeee on an excuse for me time. So create an experience out of it- "Brenda, I know you love Vintage Willows, so I got you a gift card! Grab a coffee, and treat yo'self, Boo!"
All of these last minute items rock, but let's not forget about the most valued gift- time; ditch the gifts and meet up with your girls for a holiday celebration of festive snacks, warm cider, cherished stories, and new memories.
Merry Christmas,