The Power of Journaling: Manifesting Your Incredible New Year

I love manifesting for the new year. In fact, goal setting is one of my top five hobbies. The crisp pages of my new, sparkling planner (one that I purchased in August, cause your girl is ready) and the wild unknown are nothing short of magic. The excitement, the rejuvenation, and the promise of the hope inspire our focus on creating a year of abundance.
Now, how do I manifest? I journal. And wow do I believe in its power. Journaling fosters my growth and resilience. I am able to connect with my deepest intuitions, motivations, and self. Self-reflection through writing allows me to slow down and express my gratitude. And each year, right around December 1st, I light candles, sink into my couch, and grace those uncharted pages with my wildest intentions for the year ahead.
So let's do this whole New Year Ascension thing together, yeah?
New Year Journaling Prompts:
1. What is in your emotional and spiritual junk drawer? What needs to go? What has been in the there way too long? How can we begin clearing it out? What can we chunk, with love and understanding, but not invite back in? Which cobwebs must be cleansed in order for our deepest wishes to bloom? I know it can feel scary to unload and feel all of the things, but don't be afraid to go there, darling; we are all together on this one.
2. What are your wildest dreams? Of course, writing out detailed, attainable goals is wise, but for now, allow your wildest dreams to be free, baby. Avoid overthinking. Avoid negative thought patterns. Just write and believe. Want to open an incredible, small business this year? Want to reconnect with your partner in ways you never imagined possible? Want to rock out a mindful movement practice that meets you, in both body and spirit? Want to become an artist? Read two books a month? Learn how to snowboard? Go sober? I believe in you!
3. What rituals will you create surrounding the manifestation of your new year dreams? This is my favorite piece, as I love propelling my dreams into motion through practices and mantras. It gives my dreams life! I also love utilizing the 5 senses in my ritual planning- Which tea will I mindfully sip on? Which songs will I be jamming? Which bath bomb will I use, or which dried flowers will I add to my sacred bath water? Which fragrant candle will I burn? What will I visualize and recite, while swaying my hips in my living room?
4. And finally, which thematic word comes to mind? I like to inhale, exhale, and write down the first word that speaks to my heart. My last few years of planning and meditation have included the words of surrender, stillness, and resilience. This year, my theme is pursuit! (Big girl panties- ON!) Also, if one word feels too limiting, maybe try a few words? A dear friend shared her plan of a thematic word and several supporting words. Do what feels good to you!
And most importantly, in all of your planning, set up a date with your homies and showcase your plans, for the first step in manifesting our greatest dreams is sharing them!
Cheers to closing and starting our wild years with abundance,