Rock Your Countdown Look... Again!

On December 27th, I found an incredible sparkling dress for the most meaningful countdown night of my life. There she was, at the front of my favorite boutique, glowing in her glory (we're talkin enough sequins to make the late and great Prince squeal with excitement) on that lucky duck of a mannequin.
Fast forward to January 15th. I finally hang up my divine little number, and whilst reliving sparks of NYE hope, a mood of bummertown began to fill my soul... I realize that my goddess of a dress will likely struggle to fit in with the rest of my closet clique and therefore, never be worn again (not to be overly dramatic or anything...).
And so my dilemma brings me to you, oh gorgeous reader. If you're like me and you want your NYE bombshell to have the spotlight for more than just one night a year, then read on, Boo-
Ways to Wear NYE... Again & Again
Ways to Wear As Is:
1. Bachelorette Parties. Easy recycle, amirite? Give her the lime light she deserves, and mix up her grand entrance with red heels and even redder lips.
2. Night Out. Boo dates, babe dates, dinner parties, and even decade-themed parties (it's surprisingly easy to transform a fancy outfit to fit any decade). Showcase your incredible taste in fancyyy at any event!
3. Vegas. NYC. NOLA. Miami, baby! What a perfect excuse to bring the most fab dress on the planet to your fave party city (or cities- you go, girl). Also, two words- gold hoops.
Ways to Spice It Up:
1. Everyday Fab. I'm in love with the sweater-over-dress trend. Hit that dress with a comfy pullover and belt it. Turn it even more everyday with chunky boots!
2. Happy Hour. Throw an oversized blazer over that little number. Maybe even a plaid one! You can walk around saying "oh, this old thing?!" with a playful smile, all happy hour long. P.s. We are in love with this plaid piece:
3. Dress It Down. Why not rock that fancy dress with a chunky cardigan and sneakers? Or that shining skirt with a graphic tee! It's surprisingly empowering to wear boujee adornments as essentials! (Currently taking notes from Scandinavian fashion trends over here...)
So babe, don't be afraid to show off your sparkle, all year long... and I'm not just talking about that gorgeous NYE dress, honey. ;-)
XO, Dez
Craving more ideas? Watch our first Instagram LIVE on Friday, January 24th at 6:15PM Mountain!